AUGUST 10, 2025 | Super Sprint, Sprint, & Olympic Races
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AUGUST 10, 2025 | Super Sprint, Sprint, & Olympic Races
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Tri CLE will be held at Edgewater Park, located at 7600 Memorial Shoreway, Cleveland, Ohio 44142.
This schedule may change as the race day gets closer. Stay tuned for updates.
Edgewater Park
Packet pick-up is strongly encouraged on Saturday.
Edgewater Park
Edgewater Park
Participants are strongly encouraged to drop off their bikes on Saturday in Transition. Participants can drop off any additional swim, bike,...
Edgewater Park
Edgewater Beach
A practice swim will be available at Edgewater Beach. Participants must wear their timing chip to participate in this practice swim. Safety ...
Edgewater Beach
Lower Edgewater Park
Race day packet pick up is available. Packet must be picked up by 6:00 AM.
Lower Edgewater Park
Lower Edgewater Park
Transition will PROMPTLY close at 6:15 AM. This is 15 minutes before the first wave goes off at 6:30 AM.
Tri CLE will not tolerate late arri...
Lower Edgewater Park
Edgewater Beach
Billy Morris to perform the National Anthem
Edgewater Beach
Edgewater Beach
Edgewater Beach
Edgewater Beach
On-land start at Edgewater Beach for Olympic distance triathlon and aquabike.
Edgewater Beach
North side of the Beach House
North side of the Beach House
Edgewater Beach
Sprint triathlon and aquabike athletes will start in waves after the Olympic athletes. On-land start at Edgewater Beach.
Edgewater Beach
North side of the Beach House
North side of the Beach House
Edgewater Beach
Super Sprint triathlon athletes will start in waves after the Sprint athletes. On-land start at Edgewater Beach.
Edgewater Beach
Edgewater Park
Enjoy the post-race party!
The awards ceremony will start at 10:00 AM (approximately). Awards cere...
Edgewater Park