AUGUST 10, 2025 | Super Sprint, Sprint, & Olympic Races
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AUGUST 10, 2025 | Super Sprint, Sprint, & Olympic Races
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The sport of triathlon, duathlon, and aquabike can be fun to watch as a spectator & can give your athlete a little boost when they hear you cheering them on!
Spectators should follow the directions of the Metroparks police and parking attendants on where to park at lower Edgewater Park on race day.
Click the button below to download the app to track your athlete.
There are several timing points throughout the course that will collect data so that you can follow your athlete's progress!
No participant shall accept assistance from any person other than event personnel (including volunteers), but such assistance is limited to providing nutrition, drinks, mechanical, and medical assistance. No participant shall be accompanied by any non- participants on the course. (Spectator is not allowed bike or run/walk with their participant at any point during the race) Any violation of this section may result in a time penalty.
The race morning begins at Edgewater Beach. We highly suggest that spectators not interfere with the lineup at the swim start. There is plenty of space on the beach for spectators to view & cheer on their athlete.
The best place to park to watch your athlete ride on the Memorial Shoreway and run at Edgewater is at Lower Edgewater Park. Spectators can walk to a portion of the Memorial Shoreway from Edgewater
Spectators are strongly encouraged to stay off the multipurpose path during the race so as to not interfere with any participants and their forward progress.
August in Cleveland can be hot! Pack sunscreen & apply as necessary to not get a sunburn. There is also a chance of rain during this time of the year. Watch the weather forecast and plan your day accordingly.
Pack snacks and drinks for everyone in your party who is watching your athlete. It's important to stay hydrated! There will also be food vendors at Edgewater Park starting at 8:00 am to purchase food & beverages.
Want to know what the course looks like that your athlete is on for each portion of their race? We suggest visiting the Course Maps for all the details. Keep scrolling through the page as there are larger course maps.
Bring cowbells! Make a sign to show your support! Call out your athletes' name when you see them! Be the encouragement that your participant needs on race day!
As a spectator, we ask that you do not interfere with the forward progress of any of the athletes as they make their way through their race experience. (Spectators are NOT ALLOWED into transition areas at any time)